There’s the farm, the processing site and our factory. Three workplaces, that’s it. That’s very unusual. Layers and layers of people and interests. High chance that transparency, traceability and trust are lost. In minimising the supply chain, we create room for transparency. In inviting slavefreetrade to hold us to account, biannually, we uncover how each and every individual are treated, knowhow they’re paid, & can be sure it’s fair and honest.
Using a survey based on slavefreetrade’s Ten Principles for Decent Work we invite every single person in our supply chain to assess their working conditions against international human rights law.
When the industry talks about traceability they mean the raw commodity. We mean the people. 200 on the single-estate farm, 2000 in the processing site, 20 in our factory. This is a world’s first human first chocolate.